Here at Hoults we understand the importance of community involvement. We believe giving back to our surrounding neighborhoods is vital. We have taken part in donating and volunteering our time at multiple events throughout our 30+ years of operating. Below is a list as well as some photos of recent sponsorship and involvement by our team at Hoults Doors.
New Zealand Police Managers’ Guild Trust
We support the New Zealand Police Managers’ Guild Trust (see their Facebook page too). The Police Managers’ Guild Charitable Trust was established over 20 years ago to provide financial support to worthy causes, individuals and community organisations. The Police Managers’ Guild Trust is also New Zealand’s foremost provider of free crime prevention and safety education to the New Zealanders. We love the work the police managers guild trust do in the community, and are proud to support this cause.
Special Children’s Christmas Party
We sponsor the New Zealand Special Children’s Christmas Party – a great way to put a smile on many family faces! The Special Children’s Christmas Party, in association with over 400 charities and Community groups, enlists the sponsorship of local business to provide an unforgettable experience for disabled and disadvantaged children in our community. This is an event we have been supporting for nearly a decade. We thoroughly enjoy rolling our sleeves up on the day!
Naenae College 1st XV Rugby Team
Naenae College is the school nearest to Hoults Doors. We have sponsored their rugby players for several years to support youth sports in our local community.
Our 2023 sponsorship of the Naenae College 1st XV Rugby Team helped the team with transportation, team food and equipment, and more. We are honoured that their Director of Sport has invited Hoults Doors to present the Naenae College Rugby Player of the Year awards at their Sports Awards in November 2024.

Wellington Hospitals Foundation
This sponsorship was for two different organisations; the Wellington Children’s hospital and Junior Rugby Wellington. Many sponsors came together to sponsor goods and services to build this house and once the house was auctioned in 2020, the profits that came from the building of the house was shared between both these charities for our NZ kids.

Kitty Kingdom Wellington
We did a special project for the cat refuge Kitty Kingdom Wellington. Vaughn built a custom cat condo for their feline friend Buster.

Rotary Club of Mt Victoria
We were honored to help the Rotary Club of Mt Victoria. Rotary Mt Victoria does some very important work in the community, and one of the things we have donated to over the years is the special shows Rotary put on for kids that have special needs in our community.

Lions Club of Wellington
For the Lions Club of Wellington some of our sponsorship over the years has gone towards specialist equipment for Wellington Children’s Hospital, the Big Buddy Programme and a circus show for kids with special needs in our community.

Reforesting and Tree Planting
As well as continuing our support of our favourite community organisations above, our thinking for sponsorship going forward will be giving back to New Zealand’s forests. Given that we are a supplier in the building industry we do know first-hand how much businesses affect our surrounding communities and nature. Despite our already existent efforts to decrease our paper usage in our workplace and become more eco-friendly, we would like to give back more. We would like to help preserve our forests by donating to a wide variety of tree planting efforts, to help them with their journey. We aim to send regular donations to these efforts with input from our community on which cause means the most to them, to continue our joint effort to make a cleaner and more eco friendly New Zealand.